Video Article Open Access
Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Diamond and Novel Superhard Materials
Yogesh K. Vohra
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Vid. Proc. Adv. Mater., Volume 2, Article ID 2021-0184 (2021)
DOI: 10.5185/vpoam.2021.0184
Publication Date (Web): 16 Feb 2021
Copyright © IAAM
This talk will cover microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition of diamond and novel superhard modifications based on Boron-Carbon-Nitrogen (B-C-N) material systems. The control of gas phase chemistry in the microwave plasma chemical vapor process has resulted in the high-growth rate homoepitaxial diamond process for gem-diamond fabrication and for the fabrication of diamond-based sensors utilized in the study of materials under extreme conditions. The gas phase chemistry has been also developed for the synthesis of nanocrystalline diamond coatings on metals and alloys for biomedical implant applications. In recent-years, the focus has shifted on novel superhard B-C-N) material systems which have higher thermal stability than diamond and can operate at higher temperatures. Microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition process has been successful in the large-area synthesis of materials like B50C2 and amorphous B-C-N materials with hardness greater than 40 GPa. I will also discuss recent Machine Learning (ML) approaches used in prediction of novel B-C-N materials and how these ML predictions are going to guide the future landscape of plasma synthesis of superhard materials.